In an emergency, if the PAM components fail, you can dump the privileged account passwords from the PAM database.

Location of dump utility \MISC\PasswordDump\Pam.Tools.Dump.exe

At first, Open the utility config file \MISC\PasswordDump\appsettings.json and specify the access parameters for the Core database:

Database section

  • Database - DBMS provider
    • mssql - Microsoft SQL Server
    • pgsql - PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Pro
  • ConnectionStrings

  • Data Source - the name of the DBMS server or named instance
  • Initial Catalog - database name
  • User ID - database connection account
  • Password - account's password
  "ConnectionString": "Data Source=sql.domain.local; Initial Catalog=IPAMCore; Integrated Security=False; User ID=IPAMSQLService; Password=password"

If using a Named Instance of Microsoft SQL Server, the value of the Server parameter must be specified in the Server Name\\Named instance format.

"PamCore": "Data Source=sql\\instance; ..."
  • Host - the name of the DBMS server or named instance
  • Database - database name
  • Username - database connection account
  • Password - account's password

  "ConnectionString": "Host=sql.domain.local; Database=IPAMCore; Integrated Security=False; Username=IPAMSQLService; Password=password"

Encryption section

  • AlgorithmCore database encryption algorithm
  • KeyCore database encryption key

The utility can be executed with the following arguments:

  • sshKey - dumping the SSH key of a privileged account, you must specify the account, for example:
    Pam.Tools.Dump.exe sshKey --name res2\administrator
  • password - dumping the password of a privileged account, you must specify an account, for example:
    Pam.Tools.Dump.exe password --name res2\administrator
  • secrets - dumping all credentials to the .\Results folder, or to the specified one. Passwords will be dumped to accounts.csv file, keys will be dumped to sshKeys folder in separate files. Example command:
    Pam.Tools.Dump.exe secrets --output c:\temp
  • help - shows help contents

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