The Indeed Log Server component allows recording events from all Indeed Certificate Manager servers in a Unified Windows Event Log or Microsoft SQL Database.

The component is installed on one of Indeed CM servers or on a separate workstation (in the domain or outside it). The system requirements for installing the component are the same as the Indeed CM server.

Installation Indeed Log Server

  1. Sign in to the workstation as a local administrator.
  2. Install the Indeed Log Server by running Indeed.LogServer-x64.msi installer (located in the Indeed.Log.Server directory). 
    • Сopy the cmSchema.config file from the Indeed.Log.Server directory to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls directory.
    • Copy the cmEventLogTarget.config and cmSqlTarget.config files from the Indeed.Log.Server\targetConfigs directory to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\targetConfigs directory.

Configuring reading and writing events to the Windows event log

  1. Edit the configuration file clientApps.config (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\clientApps.config) as follows:

    • In the Application section, add:

      <Application Id="cm" SchemaId="cmSchema">
      		<!--<CertificateAccessControl CertificateThumbprint="001122...AA11" Rights="Read" />-->
    • In the Targets section add a new element:

          <Target Id="cmEventLogTarget" Type="eventlog"/>
  2. Save the changes and close the configuration file.

Configuring event reading and writing in MS SQL

The database for storing Indeed Log Server data is created manually, and it is filled automatically.

  1. Create a database with an arbitrary name in the SQL Management Studio environment:
    • In the Object Explorer right-click the Databases tab.
    • Select New database... item from the context menu.
    • Specify the Database name: , e.g., LogServer.
    • In the Owner: field, define the owner of the database being created.

      Create a new account (say, servicesql) or use any internal SQL account or Active Directory account (e.g., service account to be used with Indeed CM: servicecm). After the database is created, this account would possess db_owner, public privileges and shall be used by the system to perform read/write operations from/to the database.

    • Save the created database by clicking ОК.

  2. Edit the cmSqlTarget.config file (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\targetConfigs\cmSqlTarget.config) according to the settings below:
    <Settings> … </Settings>:
    • Data Source - this defines the server instance. The parameter is mandatory for all connections. Admissible values are: network name or server IP address, local or  localhost for local connections
    • Database - database name (ILS)
    • User Id - the service account name to connect to the database
    • Password - service account password

      	<ConnectionString>Data Source=DC\SQLEXPRESS;Database=LogServer;User Id=servicesql;Password=P@ssw0rd</ConnectionString>
  3. Edit the configuration file clientApps.config (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\clientApps.config) to working with cmSqlTarget.config as follows:

    • In the Application section, add:

      <Application Id="cm" SchemaId="cmSchema">
      		<!--<CertificateAccessControl CertificateThumbprint="001122...AA11" Rights="Read" />-->
    • In the Targets section add a new element:

          <Target Id="cmSqlTarget" Type="mssql"/>
  4. Save the changes and close the configuration file.
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